Date & Description - BULLETINS, CIRCULARS / B.Tech
[01.03.2024] :: *** RESULTS *** III B.Tech I Semester (SVEC20) Regular Examinations, I, II, III B.Tech I and II Semesters (SVEC20) Supplementary, November/December 2023 |
[20.02.2024] :: *** RESULTS *** I, II and III B.Tech I & II Semesters Supplementary ((SVEC16) AND (SVEC19)) Examinations, IV B.Tech I Semester Regular (SVEC20) and Supplemnentary ((SVEC16) AND (SVEC19)) Examinations, IV B.Tech II Semester (SVEC19) Examinations, October/November/December 2023 |
[13.09.2023] :: Change in Timings for III, IV B.Tech I Semester - Mid-I Examinations from 20.09.2023, September 2023 |
[26.08.2023] :: *** RESULTS *** II, III B.Tech, II Semesters Regular and I, II, III B.Tech I, II Semesters Supplementary (SVEC20) Examinations (2020, 2021 Admitted Autonomous Batches) June/July 2023 |
[15.07.2023] :: *** RESULTS *** I B.Tech, II, III and IV B.Tech. I and II Semester Supplementary ((SVEC14),(SVEC16),(SVEC19)) Exams May / June 2023. |
[18.05.2023] :: *** RESULTS *** IV B.Tech II Semester (SVEC19) Regular (for 2019 Regular and 2020 Lateral Entry Admitted batches only) Examinations, May 2023 |
[06.05.2023] :: *** RESULTS *** I, II, III & IV B.Tech I & II Semesters (Last Chance - SVEC10, SVEC14, SVEC16) Supplementary Examinations, April 2023.
[31.03.2023] :: *** RESULTS *** II, III B.Tech I Semesters (SVEC20) Regular, I, II B.Tech I, II Semester (SVEC20) Supplementary Examinations, January/February 2023 |
[04.01.2023] :: *** RESULTS *** I, II and III B.Tech II Semesters Supplementary ((SVEC14),(SVEC16) AND (SVEC19)) (2019, 2018, 2017, 2016 and 2015 Admitted Autonomous batches) Examinations, December 2022 |
[28.12.2022] :: I B.Tech Supplementary (SVEC14), IV B.Tech I Semester Regular and I, II, III and IV B.Tech I Semesters Supplementary (SVEC16) and (SVEC19) Examinations, November 2022 |
[28.09.2022] :: *** RESULTS *** I & II B.Tech I & II Semesters (SVEC20) (2020, 2021 admitted autonomous batches) Regular/Supplementary, August 2022 |
[03.09.2022] :: Postponement of IV B.Tech I Semester (SVEC19) Mid-1 Internal (for EEE, ECE, CSE, EIE, IT, CSSE Branches on 05.09.2022) Examinations, August 2022. |
[22.08.2022] :: Postponement of I, II B.Tech I & II Semester Regular/Supplementary (for 2020 Admitted batch) Examinations of August 2022. |
[11.08.2022] :: Change in Timings :: II B.Tech II Semester (SVEC20) Mid-II Internal Examinations, August 2022 |
[26.07.2022] :: *** RESULTS *** II B.Tech I & II Semesters (SVEC19) (SVEC16) (SVEC14) (for 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014 Admitted batches only) Supplementary Examinations, July 2022 |
[16.07.2022] :: *** RESULTS *** III B.Tech II Semester (SVEC19) Regular, I & III B.Tech I & II Semesters Supplementary and I B.Tech Supplementary (SVEC14)(SVEC16)(SVEC19) (2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015 and 2014 Admitted Autonomous Batches only ) Examinations, July 2022 |
[23.06.2022] :: *** RESULTS *** IV B.Tech I Semester (SVEC16)(SVEC14) Regular/Supplementary (2018, 2017, 2016, 2015 and 2014 Admitted Autonomous Batches only ) Examinations, June 2022 |
[08.06.2022] :: *** RESULTS *** IV B.Tech II Semester (SVEC16) Regular/Supplementary (2016, 2017 and 2018 Admitted Autonomous Batches only ) Examinations, May 2022 |
[08.06.2022] :: *** RESULTS *** IV B.Tech II Semester (SVEC14) Supplementary (2014 and 2015 Admitted Autonomous Batches only ) Examinations, May 2022 |
[17.05.2022] :: *** RESULTS *** I B.Tech I Semester (SVEC20) Regular Examinations (2021 Admitted Autonomous batch), April 2022 |
[01.04.2022] :: *** RESULTS *** II B.Tech I Semester Regular and I B.Tech I & II Semesters Supplementary (SVEC20) Examinations (2020 Admitted Autonomous batch), March 2022 |
[17.02.2022] :: *** RESULTS *** I, II, III and IV B.Tech II Semester Supplementary (SVEC14, SVEC16, SVEC19) (for 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014 admitted batches only) Examinations, January 2022 |
[10.02.2022] :: *** RESULTS *** III, IV B.Tech I Semester Regular/Supplementary, I, II B.Tech I Semester Supplementary and I B.Tech Supplementary (SVEC14, SVEC16, SVEC19) (for 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014 admitted batches only) Examinations, January 2022 |
[21.01.2022] :: Change in Timings :: II B.Tech I Semester (SVEC20) ( for LATERAL ENTRY Students ) , Mid-1 Internal Examinations, January 2022 |
[30.12.2021] :: Instructions to the Students appearing for the Internal / Regular / Supplementary Examinations of B.Tech / M.Tech / MCA / Polytechnic Diploma |
[30.12.2021] :: Postponement of Mid-I Internal Examinations for II B.Tech I Semester (SVEC20) (2021 Lateral Entry Admitted batch) |
[01.11.2021] :: Postponement of Mid-I Internal Examinations for IV B.Tech I Semester (SVEC16) (2018 Admitted batch) |
[30.10.2021] :: *** RESULTS *** I B.Tech II Semester Regular (SVEC20), I B.Tech I Semester Supplementary (SVEC20) (for 2020 Admitted batches only) Examinations, September 2021 |
[18.10.2021] :: Change in Timings :: I B.Tech II Semester (SVEC20) Regular Laboratory Examinations, September 2021 |
[20.09.2021] :: Change in Timings :: I B.Tech II Semester (SVEC20) Regular, September 2021 |
[13.09.2021] :: *** RESULTS *** I, II, III and IV B.Tech I Semesters Supplementary (SVEC19, SVEC16 and SVEC14) Examinations, August 2021 |
[07.09.2021] :: *** RESULTS *** II & III B.Tech II Semester Regular/Supplementary, I B.Tech II Semester Supplementary, I B.Tech Supplementary (SVEC19, SVEC16 and SVEC14) (for 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015 and 2014 admitted autonomous batches) Examinations, August 2021 |
[23.08.2021] :: *** RESULTS *** I B.Tech I Semester (SVEC20) Regular Examinations, August 2021 |
[18.08.2021] :: Postponement of Mid-I Internal Examinations for I B.Tech II Semester (2020 Admitted batch) |
[14.07.2021] :: Schedule for I B.Tech II Semester students to appear for the I B.Tech II Semester Internal and I B.Tech I Semester Semester-End Examinations for the Academic Year 2020-2021. |
[14.07.2021] :: Schedule for Laboratory Examinations - I B.Tech I Semester (SVEC20) Regular (for 2020 admitted batch only) Examinations, July 2021 |
[13.07.2021] :: CIRCULAR : Schedule for B.Tech, M.Tech and MCA students to appear for the Internal and Semester-End Examinations for the Academic Year 2020-2021. |
[13.07.2021] :: List of Students Tested COVID Positive for Reconduction of III B.Tech II Semester Mid-1 Internal Examinations, July 2021 |
[13.07.2021] :: List of Students Tested COVID Positive for Reconduction of II B.Tech II Semester Mid-1 Internal Examinations, July 2021 |
[13.07.2021] :: List of Students Tested COVID Positive for Reconduction of I B.Tech I Semester Mid-2 Internal Examinations, July 2021 |
[08.07.2021] :: Reconduction of Mid Term Internal Examinations for COVID Tested Positive Students |
[07.07.2021] :: Postponement of II, III B.Tech II Semester Regular (for 2018 & 2019 Admitted batches) Examinations of July 2021, due to exposure of COVID'19. |
[07.07.2021] :: Postponement of All B.Tech Semesters' Supplementary Examinations of July 2021, due to exposure of COVID'19. |
[07.07.2021] :: *** RESULTS *** IV B.Tech II Semester Regular/Supplementary (SVEC16) (for 2016 and 2017 admitted Autonomous batches) Examinations, June 2021 |
[07.07.2021] :: *** RESULTS *** IV B.Tech II Semester Supplementary (SVEC14) (for 2014 and 2015 admitted Autonomous batches) Examinations, June 2021 |
[01.07.2021] :: Postponement of Mid-II Internal Examinations for II, III B.Tech II Semester (2018 & 2019 Admitted batches) due to exposure of COVID'19. |
[05.06.2021] :: Postponement of Mid-II Internal Examinations for IV B.Tech II Semester Re-Admitted Students (2014 & 2015 Admitted batches) due to exposure of COVID'19. |
[15.05.2021] :: Postponement of All Internal and Sem-End Examinations scheduled from 17.05.2021 (i.e., Monday) due to exposure of COVID'19. |
[01.05.2021] :: Postponement of All Internal and Sem-End Examinations scheduled from 03.05.2021 (i.e., Monday) due to exposure of COVID'19. |
[26.04.2021] :: Change in Timings for II, III B.Tech II Semester - Mid-I Examinations from 27.04.2021, April 2021 |
[20.04.2021] :: *** RESULTS *** II B.Tech II Semester, III B.Tech II Semester, IV B.Tech II Semester (SVEC10) (2013 admitted batch only) Examinations, March 2021 |
[20.04.2021] :: *** RESULTS *** I B.Tech II Semester, II B.Tech II Semester, III B.Tech II Semester & IV B.Tech II Semester Supplementary (SVEC19), (SVEC16) & (SVEC14) (for 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014 Admitted Batches only) Exmainations, March 2021 |
[25.03.2021] :: Postponed - Due to AP State Bundh - I B.Tech I Semester (SVEC20) Mid-I Internal Examinations scheduled on 26.03.2021 - Rescheduled, March 2021 |
[25.03.2021] :: Postponed - Due to AP State Bundh - I B.Tech II Semester (SVEC19, SVEC16) Supplementary Examinations scheduled on 26.03.2021 - Rescheduled, March 2021 |
[23.03.2021] :: *** RESULTS *** II, III & IV B.Tech I Semester (SVEC10) (for 2013 admitted batch only) Supplementary, February 2021 |
[23.03.2021] :: *** RESULTS *** II, III & IV B.Tech I Semester (SVEC14, SVEC16 and SVEC19) (for 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015 and 2014 admitted batches only) Regular/Supplementary, February 2021 |
[10.03.2021] :: Postponed - Due to Administrative reasons - I B.Tech I Semester (SVEC20) Mid-I Internal Examinations - Rescheduled, March 2021 |
[09.03.2021] :: Postponed - Due to Administrative reasons - I B.Tech II Semester (SVEC19, SVEC16) Supplementary Examinations - Rescheduled, March 2021 |
[09.03.2021] :: Postponed - Due to Administrative reasons - II B.Tech II Semester (SVEC16, SVEC14, SVEC10) Supplementary Examinations - Rescheduled, March 2021 |
[09.03.2021] :: Postponed - Due to Administrative reasons - IV B.Tech II Semester (SVEC16, SVEC14, SVEC10) Supplementary Examinations - Rescheduled, March 2021 |
[05.03.2021] :: Postponed - Due to Andhra Pradesh State Bundh - III B.Tech I Semester Regular / Supplementary and I B.Tech Supplementary Examinations - Rescheduled, March 2021 |
[02.02.2021] :: Postponed - Due to GATE-2021 Examinations - IV and III B.Tech I Semester (SVEC16), Mid-II Internal Examinations - Rescheduled, February 2021 |
[08.01.2021] :: *** RESULTS *** I, II and III B.Tech II Semester Regular (SVEC19, SVEC16) Examinations (for 2019, 2018 and 2017 Admitted Autonomous batches), December 2020 |
[28.11.2020] :: Postponed - Due to Placement dirve - for ME, EEE & ECE branches - III B.Tech II Semester, Mid-II Internal Examinations - Rescheduled, November 2020 |
[17.11.2020] :: *** RESULTS *** - II, III, IV B.Tech II Semester (SVEC10) Supplementary Examinations (2013 & 2012 Admitted Autonomous batches), October 2020 |
[17.11.2020] :: *** RESULTS *** - I B.Tech II Semester (SVEC16), II, III B.Tech II Semester (SVEC14) and (SVEC16) and IV B.Tech II Semester (SVEC14) Supplementary Examinations (2018, 2017, 2016, 2015 & 2014 Admitted Autonomous batches), October 2020 |
[16.11.2020] :: Postponed - III B.Tech II Semester (SVEC16) Mid-2 Internal Examinations - Rescheduled, November 2020 |
[07.11.2020] :: *** RESULTS *** I, II, III and IV B.Tech I Semester, I B.Tech (SVEC14), (SVEC16) and (SVEC19) Supplementary Examinations (2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015 & 2014 Admitted Autonomous batches) , September 2020 |
[07.11.2020] :: *** RESULTS *** II, III and IV B.Tech I Semester, I B.Tech (SVEC10) Supplementary Examinations (2013 & 2012 Admitted Autonomous batches) , September 2020 |
[26.10.2020] :: Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Conducting Examinations in the COVID-19 Pandemic. |
[24.09.2020] :: Issue of Halltickets for B.Tech Supplementary Examinations, September / October 2020 |
[17.09.2020] :: Extension of Date for Registrations of B.Tech Supplementary Examinations Schedule in September / October 2020 |
[15.09.2020] :: *** RESULTS *** IV B.Tech II Semester Regular (SVEC16) Examinations, for Re-Admitted Students (2014 and 2015 admitted batches), September 2020 |
[30.05.2020] :: Postponement of I, II and III B.Tech II Semester Internal (Mid-Term) Examinations |
[19.05.2020] :: *** RESULTS *** IV B.Tech II Semester (SVEC16) Regular (2016 Admitted Autonomous Batch) Examinations, May 2020 |
[17.03.2020] :: Postponed - I B.Tech II Semester (SVEC19) Mid-1 Internal Examinations, March 2020 |
[17.03.2020] :: Postponed - IV B.Tech II Semester (SVEC16) Mid-2 Internal Examinations, March 2020 |
[27.01.2020] :: *** RESULTS *** I B.Tech I Semester (Regular (SVEC19) Examinations (for 2019 Admitted Batch only), December 2019 |
[08.01.2020] :: *** RESULTS *** I, II & III B.Tech II Sem. Supplementary (SVEC10) Examinations, December 2019 |
[08.01.2020] :: *** RESULTS *** I B.Tech I Sem. Supplementary, I, II, III B.Tech II Sem. Supplementary and I B.Tech Supplementary (SVEC14) & (SVEC16) Examinations, December 2019 |
[24.12.2019] :: *** RESULTS *** II, III and IV B.Tech. I Semester Supplementary (SVEC10) Examinations (for 2013, 2012, 2011 and 2010 admitted batches), November 2019. |
[24.12.2019] :: *** RESULTS *** II, III and IV B.Tech. I Semester Regular/Supplementary (SVEC14) and (SVEC16) Examinations (for 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015 and 2014 admitted batches), November 2019. |
[09.10.2019] :: Postponed - I B.Tech I Semester (SVEC19) Mid-I Internal Examinations, October 2019 |
[20.08.2019] :: Change of Timings in the IV B.Tech I Semester (SVEC-16) Mid-I Internal Examinations, August 2019 |
[19.08.2019] :: Postponed - II, III and IV B.Tech I Semester (SVEC-16) Mid-I Internal Examinations, August 2019 |
[15.07.2019] :: *** RESULTS *** II B.Tech I Semester, II B.Tech I Semester, III B.Tech I Semester, IV B.Tech I Semester, IV B.Tech II Semester and I B.Tech Supplementary (SVEC14) and (SVEC16) Examinations (for 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015 and 2014 admitted batches), May/June 2019 |
[15.07.2019] :: *** RESULTS *** II B.Tech I Semester, III B.Tech I Semester, IV B.Tech I Semester and I B.Tech Supplementary (SVEC10) Examinations (for 2013, 2012 and 2011 admitted batches), May/June 2019 |
[25.06.2019] :: *** RESULTS *** I B.Tech II Semester Regular/Supplementary (SVEC16) Examinations, May 2019 (2018, 2017 & 2016 Admitted Autonomous Batches) |
[20.06.2019] :: *** RESULTS *** II & III B.Tech II Semester Regular/Supplementary (SVEC10) Examinations, May 2019 (2013, 2012 & 2011 Admitted Autonomous Batches) |
[20.06.2019] :: *** RESULTS *** II & III B.Tech II Semester Regular/Supplementary (SVEC14) & (SVEC16) Examinations, May 2019 (2017, 2016, 2015 & 2014 Admitted Autonomous Batches) |
[13.05.2019] :: Change of Timings in the Examinations of I B.Tech (SVEC14/SVEC10) Supplementary Examinations, May 2019 |
[09.05.2019] :: *** RESULTS *** IV B.Tech II Semester (SVEC14) Regular/Supplementary Examinations, April 2019 |
[22.04.2019] :: Postponed - II & III B.Tech II Semester (SVEC16) Mid-II Examinations, April 2019 |
[10.01.2019] :: *** RESULTS *** I B.Tech I Semester (SVEC16) Regular/Supplementary, I, II & III B.Tech II Semester Supplementary and I B.Tech Supplementary (SVEC14) & (SVEC16) Examinations (2018, 2017, 2016, 2015 and 2014 Admitted batches), December 2018 |
[10.01.2019] :: *** RESULTS *** I B.Tech, II and III B.Tech II Semester (SVEC10) Supplementary Examinations (2013, 2012, 2011 and 2010 Admitted Autonomous batches), December 2018 |
[26.12.2018] :: *** RESULTS *** II, III & IV B.Tech I Semester Supplementary (SVEC10) (2013, 2012, 2011 and 2010 admitted Autonomous batches) Examinations, November 2018 |
[26.12.2018] :: *** RESULTS *** II, III & IV B.Tech I Semester Regular/Supplementary (SVEC14) & (SVEC16) (2017, 2016, 2015 and 2014 admitted Autonomous batches) Examinations, November 2018 |
[10.09.2018] :: Postponed - II B.Tech I Semester Mid-I Examinations (for 2018 Admitted Lateral Entry students), September 2018 |
[27.07.2018] :: *** RESULTS *** I, II & III B.Tech II Semester Regular/Supplementary, IV B.Tech II Semester Supplementary, I, II, III & IV B.Tech I Semester Supplementary and I B.Tech Supplementary (SVEC14) & (SVEC16) Examinations, May/June 2018 |
[27.07.2018] :: *** RESULTS *** II, III and IV B.Tech I Semester (SVEC10) Supplementary, II Semeser (SVEC10) Supplementary and I B.Tech (SVEC10) Supplementary Examinations, May/June 2018 |
[19.05.2018] :: *** RESULTS *** IV B.Tech II Semester (SVEC10) Supplementary Examinations - May 2018 |
[19.05.2018] :: *** RESULTS *** IV B.Tech II Semester (SVEC14) Regular Examinations - May 2018 |
[13.04.2018] :: Postponed - IV B.Tech II SemesterMid-II Examinations, April 2018 |
[29.01.2018] :: *** RESULTS *** I, II, III and IV B.Tech I Semester Regular/Supplementary and I, II & III B.Tech II Semester Supplementary (SVEC14, SVEC16) Examinations, November/December 2017 |
[29.01.2018] :: *** RESULTS *** II, III & IV B.Tech I Semester Supplementary, II & III B.Tech II Semester Supplementary and I B.Tech Supplementary (SVEC10) Examinations November/December 2017 |
[24.07.2017] :: *** RESULTS *** I B.Tech II Semester (SVEC16) Regular and I B.Tech I Semester (SVEC16) Supplementary Examinations - June 2017 |
[22.07.2017] :: *** RESULTS *** II, III, IV B.Tech I & II Semesters (SVEC10) Supplementary & I B.Tech Supplementary (SVEC10) Examinations - May/June 2017 |
[16.05.2017] :: *** RESULTS *** IV B.Tech II Semester (SVEC10) Regular/Supplementary Examinations, April 2017. |
[11.05.2017] :: Registrations of I B.Tech II Semester (SVEC16) Regular and I B.Tech I Semester (SVEC16) Supplementary Examination Schedule May 2017 |
[17.04.2017] :: Registrations of II & III B.Tech II Semester(SVEC10) Supplementary, II , III & IV B.Tech I Semester Supplementary (SVEC10), I B.Tech II Supplemenaty (SVEC10) I B.Tech Supplementary (SVEC10) Examination Scheduled in April/May - 2017 |
[17.04.2017] :: Registrations of II & III B.Tech II Semester(SVEC14) Regular, II & III B.Tech I Semester Supplementary (SVEC14), II B.Tech II Semester Supplemenaty (SVEC14) I B.Tech Supplementary (SVEC14) Examination Scheduled in April/May - 2017 |
[17.02.2017] :: *** RESULTS *** I B.Tech I Semester (SVEC16) Regular Examinations, December 2016. |
[27.01.2017] :: *** RESULTS *** II, III, IV B.Tech I Semester Regular/Supplementary, II & III B.Tech II Semester Supplementary and I B.Tech Supplementary (SVEC10) & (SVEC14) Examinations, November/December 2016. |
[13.12.2016] :: Postponed - III B.Tech I Semester Regular (SVEC14) & Supplementary (SVEC10) and I B.Tech I Semester Regular Laboratory Examinations (SVEC16) December 2016 |
[17.10.2016] :: Registrations of II & III B.Tech I Semester (SVEC10) Supplementary and II, III, IV B.Tech. I Semster (SVEC10) Supplementary & I B.Tech Supplementary Examinations |
[17.10.2016] :: Registrations of II B.Tech I & II Semster (SVEC14) Supplementary and I B.Tech (SVEC14) Supplementary Examinations |
[17.10.2016] :: Registrations of IV B.Tech I Semester Regular (SVEC10) Examinations |
[17.10.2016] :: Registrations of III B.Tech I Semester Regular (SVEC14) Examinations |
[17.10.2016] :: Registrations of II B.Tech I Semester Regular (SVEC14) Examinations |
[28.06.2016] :: *** RESULTS *** I B.Tech, II & III B.Tech. II Semester Regular/Supplementary, IV B.Tech. II Semester Advanced Supplementary and II, III & IV B.Tech Supplementary (SVEC-10) & (SVEC-14) Exams June 2016 |
[10.05.2016] :: *** RESULTS *** IV B.Tech II Semester (SVEC10) Regular/Supplementary Examinations - April 2016 |
[20.02.2016] :: Postponed - I B.Tech (SVEC14) Mid-III Internal Examinations - March 2016 |
[03.02.2016] :: Postponed - II B.Tech. II Semester (SVEC14) Mid-I Internal Examinations - February 2016 |
[11.01.2016] :: II, III, IV B.Tech I Semester Regular/Supplementary, II & III B.Tech II Semester Supplementary and I B.Tech Supplementary (SVEC10) & (SVEC14) Examinations, November 2015 |
[02.12.2015] :: Postponed - IV B.Tech I Semester (SVEC10) Regular/Supplementary Examination - November 2015 |
[23.11.2015] :: Postponed - IV B.Tech I Semester (SVEC10) Regular/Supplementary Examination - November 2015 |
[23.11.2015] :: Postponed - II B.Tech I Semester (SVEC10,SVEC14) Regular/Supplementary Examination - November 2015 |
[07.10.2015] :: Submission of Applications for Examination Registration - III and IV B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations November 2015 |
[07.10.2015] :: Submission of Applications for Examination Registration - III and IV B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations November 2015 |
[01.10.2015] :: Submission of Applications for Examination Registration - II and III B.Tech II Semester Supplementary and I B.Tech Supple. Examinations November 2015 |
[01.10.2015] :: Submission of Applications for Examination Registration - II B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations November 2015 |
[08.07.2015] :: *** RESULTS *** I B.Tech (SVEC14) Regular, I B.Tech (SVEC10) Supplementary Examinations, May 2015 |
[24.06.2015] :: *** RESULTS *** II, III B.Tech (SVEC10) Regular/Supplementary, II, III, IV B.Tech I Semester (SVEC10) Supplementary, IV B.Tech II Semester (SVEC10) Advanced Supplementary Examinations, May/June 2015 |
[15.05.2015] :: *** RESULTS *** IV B.Tech II Semester (SVEC10) Regular/Supplementary Examinations, April 2015 |
[11.03.2015] :: Submission of Applications for Examination Registration - IV B.Tech II Semester Regular/Supplementary - April 2015 |
[22.01.2015] :: *** RESULTS *** II, III, IV B.Tech I Semester Regular/Supplementary, II, III B.Tech II Semester, I B.Tech (SVEC10) Supplementary Examinations - November 2014 |
[01.11.2014] :: II, III and IV B.Tech I Sem Regular/Supplementary Examinations - November/December 2014 - Hall Tickets |
[02.09.2014] :: Collection of Grade Sheets of II & III B.Tech I Semester (SVEC10) Supplementary Examinations - June 2014 |
[02.09.2014] :: Postponed - IV B.Tech I Semester (SVEC10) I-Mid Examinations, September 2014 |
[16.08.2014] :: Collection of Grade Sheets of II & III B.Tech II Semester (SVEC10) Regular/Supplementary, IV B.Tech I Semester (SVEC10) Supplementary Examinations - June 2014 |
[14.08.2014] :: *** RESULTS *** I B.Tech Regular/Supplementary (SVEC10), II & III B.Tech I Semester Supplementary(SVEC10), IV B.Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations - June 2014 |
[23.07.2014] :: *** RESULTS *** III B.Tech II Semester Regular (SVEC10) Examinations - June 2014 |
[22.07.2014] :: *** RESULTS *** II B.Tech II Semester Regular (SVEC10) Examinations - June 2014 |
[21.07.2014] :: *** RESULTS *** II, III B.Tech II Semester Supplementary (SVEC10) Examinations - June 2014 |
[21.07.2014] :: *** RESULTS *** IV B.Tech I Semester Supplementary (SVEC10) Examinations - June 2014 |
[06.06.2014] :: Collection of Grade Sheets of IV B.Tech II Semester Regular Examinations - April 2014 |
[22.05.2014] :: *** RESULTS *** IV B.Tech II Semester (SVEC10) Regular Examinations - April 2014 |
[19.05.2014] :: II and III B.Tech II Sem Regular Examinations - June 2014 - Hall Tickets |
[08.05.2014] :: Submission of Applications for Examination Registration - I B.Tech Regular/Supplementary, II B.Tech I Sem., III B.Tech I Sem. (SVEC10) Supplementary Examinations - June 2014 |
[30.04.2014] :: Submission of Applications for Examination Registration - III B.Tech II Sem., II B.Tech II Sem. (SVEC10) Regular/Supplementary and IV B.Tech I Sem (SVEC10) Supplementary Examinations - June 2014 |
[19.04.2014] :: IV B.Tech II Sem Regular Examinations - April 2014 - Hall Tickets |
[13.03.2014] :: *** RESULTS *** I B.Tech, II B.Tech II Semester, III B.Tech II Semester Supplementary (SVEC10) Examinations - January 2014 |
[12.03.2014] :: *** RESULTS *** II B.Tech I Semester Regular/Supplementary (SVEC10) Examinations - January 2014 |
[11.03.2014] :: *** RESULTS *** III B.Tech I Semester Regular/Supplementary (SVEC10) Examinations - January 2014 |
[10.03.2014] :: *** RESULTS *** IV B.Tech I Semester Regular (SVEC10) Examinations - January 2014 |
[04.01.2014] :: Revised Schedule for Postponed I, II, III, IV B.Tech (Autonomous) Regular/Supplementary Examinations, January 2014 |
[02.01.2014] :: Postponed - B.Tech (JNTUA) Supplementary Examinations, December 2013 |
[18.12.2013] :: I, II, III B.Tech I/II Sem Regular/Supplementary Examinations - Hall Tickets |
[07.10.2013] :: Collection of Grade Sheets of I B.Tech, II, III B.Tech I & II Semester Regular/Supplementary Examinations - May/June 2013 |
[12.08.2013] :: *** RESULTS *** I B.Tech Regular/Supplementary (SVEC10) - May/June 2013 |
[25.07.2013] :: *** RESULTS *** III B.Tech II Semester Regular (SVEC10 & RA), III B.Tech I Semester Supplementary (SVEC10 & RA), II B.Tech II Semester Regular/Supplementary, II B.Tech I Semester Supplementary (SVEC10) Examinations - May/June 2013 |
[15.04.2013] :: Submission of Applications for Examination Registration - III B.Tech II Sem., II B.Tech Sem. (SVEC10) Regular Examinations |
[20.03.2013] :: Issue of Hall Tickets for IV B.Tech II Sem. Regular (R09) Examinations, April/May 2013 |
[08.03.2013] :: Postponed - I B.Tech (SVEC10) Autonomous Mid-II Examinations, March 2013 |
[27.02.2013] :: Submission of Applications for Examination Registration - IV B.Tech II Sem. (R09) Regular |
[15.02.2013] :: Postponed - I B.Tech (SVEC10) Autonomous II Mid-Term Examinations |
[15.02.2013] :: Postponed - II, III B.Tech II Semester (SVEC10) Autonomous I Mid-Term Examinations |
[30.01.2013] :: *** RESULTS *** II B.Tech I Semester Regular (SVEC10) Examinations - November 2012 |
[28.01.2013] :: *** RESULTS *** III B.Tech I Semester Regular, II B.Tech II Semester, II B.Tech I Semester, I B.Tech Supplementary (SVEC10) Examinations - November/December 2012 |
[10.01.2013] :: IV B.Tech II Semester (R09-JNTUA-2009 Batch) Students - JNTUA Circular regarding Marks Memos. |
[07.08.2012] :: *** RESULTS *** I B.Tech Regular/Supplementary and II B.Tech I Semester Supplementary (SVEC10) Examinations - May, 2012 |
[21.07.2012] :: *** RESULTS *** II B.Tech II Semester Regular Examinations (SVEC10) - May, 2012 |
[26.05.2012] :: Postponed Exam 26/05/2012Invigilation Duties - II B.Tech II Sem (SVEC10) Regular Examinations |
[28.02.2012] :: Postponed - II B.Tech II Semester (SVEC10) Autonomous - Mid-1 Exams Scheduled on 28.02.2012 . |
[20.01.2012] :: *** RESULTS *** II B.Tech I Semester Regular and I. B.Tech Supplementary (SVEC10) Examinations - December, 2011 |
[15.11.2011] :: Postponed - I B.Tech (SVEC10) Autonomous - Mid-1 Exams - November 2011 |
[17.10.2011] :: Submission of Applications for Examination Registration - III & IV B.Tech I Sem. |
[04.08.2011] :: *** RESULTS *** I. B.Tech (SVEC10) Regular - June, 2011 |
[17.04.2011] :: Issue of Hall Tickets for II, III B.Tech II Sem. Regular Examinations April/May 2011 |
[28.03.2011] :: Issue of Hall Tickets for IV B.Tech II Sem. Regular Examinations, April/May 2011 |
[15.03.2011] :: Submission of Applications for Examination Registration - II, III B.Tech II Sem. |